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3.2.: Open Self-Care Day Radiant Heart Studio - Free Yoga & Mindfulness Classes (Tag der offenen Tür)

Sat, Feb 03


Radiant Heart Studio Zürich

We’d love to invite you to join us for a day of relaxation, moving our bodies, caring for our mental health, and nourishing our nervous systems. It’s a day of community, trying out something new, and deepening your self-care practice. You're welcome to join us for the apéro at the end of the day.

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3.2.: Open Self-Care Day Radiant Heart Studio - Free Yoga & Mindfulness Classes (Tag der offenen Tür)
3.2.: Open Self-Care Day Radiant Heart Studio - Free Yoga & Mindfulness Classes (Tag der offenen Tür)

Time & Location

Feb 03, 2024, 11:00 AM – 6:45 PM

Radiant Heart Studio Zürich, Rüdigerstrasse 17, 8045 Zürich, Switzerland


About the event

We’d love to invite you to join us for a day of relaxation, moving our bodies, caring for our mental health, and nourishing our nervous systems. It’s a day of community, trying out something new, and deepening your self-care practice. You're welcome to join us for the apéro at the end of the day. Sign-up is free for everything and mandatory as space is limited. 

Our Classes and Teachers:

11-12: Harmonie finden - Stress und Belastungen transformieren, Ressourcen erweitern mit Daniela (deutsch)

Der Kurs "Harmonie finden" hilft dir, stressige Situationen souverän zu meistern. Du lernst deine eigenen Stressbewältigungskompetenzen kennen, zu stärken und neue Strategien zu entwickeln. Das Ergebnis? Weniger erlebter Stress im Alltag und ein grösseres Wohlbefinden.


12:20-13:20: Yin Yoga Journey with Aleks Nikolic (English)

Enjoy an hour of not having to be, achieve, reach, or do anything. In Yin Yoga, we practice the art of slowing down, tuning inwards, nourishing our connective tissue, and connecting to our hearts, we have time and space to reflect on life and calm our minds. 

13:40-14:40: Heart Space Mentoring mit Gisèle (English/deutsch)

A safe space to discover more about ourselves, our response patterns, and our emotions in a weekly setting, held by an experienced mentor in the field of personal development. This group class is a container to explore our daily life through the lens of a polyvagal approach to our nervous system: We are diving deep into the human core need for connection, and we are exploring our own windows of tolerance between safety and threat.


15-16: Vinyasa Physio Yoga mit Olivia (deutsch)

In meiner Vinyasa Stunde werden fliessende Bewegungen mit der Atmung verbunden, damit das Nervensystem reguliert werden kann und vielleicht sogar die Belastung des Alltags abgelegt werden kann. Das Praktizieren vom Yoga soll dir helfen dich in deinem Körper wohlzufühlen und ihn besser zu verstehen.


16:20-17:20: Ganzheitlicher Vinyasa Flow mit Alison (deutsch)

Der Fokus meiner Yogastunden liegt auf dem individuellen Wohlbefinden und dem

gegenwärtigen Moment. Du wirst Atemübungen, Bewegungsabläufe und Entspannungstechniken kennenlernen, um deinen Körper zu entspannen und deinen Geist zu beruhigen. Während der Praxis werden ätherische Öle, Räucherwerke, sanfte Berührungen und Musik verwendet, um eine Atmosphäre der Achtsamkeit und Selbstfürsorge zu schaffen.


Please note that by booking your spot during the open day, you're agreeing to us taking pictures (nothing vulnerable/exposed and no savasana) and videos for our website and social media presence (studio and teachers) and you're agreeing to sign up to all of our newsletters. You can always sign out of them.

Sign-ups are mandatory as spots are limited, once sold out on the website, they’re gone, for last-minute cancellations check out our Instagram story @radiantheartstudio to maybe catch a spot at the last minute! :) The class language is the same as the description, some teachers also offer bilingual classes depending on the students (see the title). If you have trouble signing up, email and let us know your full name and which class you'd love to attend. 


  • 11-12: Harmonie finden

    Please note that by booking your spot during the open day, you're agreeing to us taking pictures (nothing vulnerable/exposed and no savasana) and videos for our website and social media presence (studio and teachers) and you're agreeing to sign up to all of our newsletters. You can always sign out of them. Please let us know if you have any physical/mental challenges that may need adjustments/variations during your yoga practice.

    CHF 0.00
    Sold Out
  • 12:20-13:20: Yin Yoga Journey

    Please note that by booking your spot during the open day, you're agreeing to us taking pictures (nothing vulnerable/exposed and no savasana) and videos for our website and social media presence (studio and teachers) and you're agreeing to sign up to all of our newsletters. You can always sign out of them. Please let us know if you have any physical/mental challenges that may need adjustments/variations during your yoga practice.

    CHF 0.00
    Sold Out
  • 13:40-14:40: Heart Space

    Please note that by booking your spot during the open day, you're agreeing to us taking pictures (nothing vulnerable/exposed and no savasana) and videos for our website and social media presence (studio and teachers) and you're agreeing to sign up to all of our newsletters. You can always sign out of them. Please let us know if you have any physical/mental challenges that may need adjustments/variations during your yoga practice.

    CHF 0.00
    Sold Out
  • 15-16: Vinyasa Yoga Flow

    Please note that by booking your spot during the open day, you're agreeing to us taking pictures (nothing vulnerable/exposed and no savasana) and videos for our website and social media presence (studio and teachers) and you're agreeing to sign up to all of our newsletters. You can always sign out of them. Please let us know if you have any physical/mental challenges that may need adjustments/variations during your yoga practice.

    CHF 0.00
    Sold Out
  • 16:20: Ganzheitlicher Flow

    Please note that by booking your spot during the open day, you're agreeing to us taking pictures (nothing vulnerable/exposed and no savasana) and videos for our website and social media presence (studio and teachers) and you're agreeing to sign up to all of our newsletters. You can always sign out of them. Please let us know if you have any physical/mental challenges that may need adjustments/variations during your yoga practice.

    CHF 0.00
    Sold Out

This event is sold out

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